Minority Scholars

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Statistics COMPLETE

OK, I lied, I didn't go to sleep....officially at 10:48 PM, I have completed all of the required statistics. Great news for me, finally I feel a sense of accomplishment. I think I'll go to sleep and wake up when my body wants to wake up.

Tomorrow I will review the T-Test Results, Oneway Anova and how the t-ratio, DF, and two tailed probability actually plays into my results.

JMP Woes

OK, so I downloaded JMP 9 a month ago and created my dataset using that information. Well, JMP is only for 30 days and with the holidays and procrastinating...I lost my "privileges. 4 hours of trial and error, attempts at breaking it down to plain text or binary and I've been able to finally get it working, but it's 10PM, I'm tired and my brain needs a rest. I was supposed to have a margarita tonight. these are the sacrifices..  Let's shoot for 3 AM to get back at it.

Afternoon Start - Mentor

I'm not currently "registered" for class, so I'm unable to get assistance from the staff. That sucks, no problem though. It's mid day and I want to take advantage of this white space. Just like the gym, half the battle is getting there. Lets see if I can get this thing going.

Trying to play classical music before and during studies...establish a mental bridge between music and study.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Due Outs

Below is my 2AM notes/to do/areas of focus...still working too tired to think.
  • Check format of statistics when 0.XX is relevant
  • Check Present and past tense "being"
  • Research and alter reasoning for study
  • Develop concrete metod for quan/qual analysis and reasoning
  • Align RQ with hypotheses
  • Determine the corectness of the null hypothesis theory
  • Delete reference of null vs experimental hypothesis
  • Organize research questions
  • Statistical notation in Abstract
  • Look up stylistic errors for APA
  • Look for complementing sentences
  • Clear up which research question goes with the hypothesis
  • There should be one null and one experimental hypothesis stated
  • Remove null vs experimental hypotheses

    CH 1 - Introduction

    Redefine purpose of study

    CH 2 - Literature Review

    Work on synthesis of information

    Avoid blandness of text

    Remove/avoid number of subjects

    CH 3 - Research Method

    Stat notations incorrect

    Organize the presentation of the results by RQ and keep this separate from the Evaluation of Findings.

    Exand section (meth ass, limit, and delim)

    CH 4 - Findings

    Provide more open-ended infoformation

    Eval of finding should be in context with literature

    Correct statistical notations

    Statistical notation not correct APA

    Open ended qualtitative results need to be expanded

    CH 5 - Implications, Recommentations, Conclusions

  • Check for complementing sentences
  • Look for "scholarly tone"


Changing focus

This will be my journal for the pursuit of my PhD