Minority Scholars

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

PMP?? Project Management Professionale

As the constant struggle, battle, WAR continues for my final dissertation approval, I have began my pursuit of the PMP, 1 week course2 thick books, charts, graphs, website, software, etc...are all used as my tools of study.

PMP Cert is for project management professionals with a bachelors or greater, 3 years project experience, and 4,500 hours of leading and directing projects (documented). I'll have to make it through this class and also pass a 2 hour crucial exam. The exam is so bad that the standard for passing it is ONLY 61%...uh..yeah, yikes. So, no more time to waste, lets see how this pans out. 

*Dissertation update

The process has been so discouraging that my school adviser has decided to resign from the school, what does that say for me, who knows, who knows, yet another struggle, yet another challenge..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, same challenge


I submitted my paper in 2012 and it's 2013 with new changes; I've been at this since 2006-2007 and it's wearing on me but I've had a good break, so I'm back at my grind, not ready to quit. All my changes are minor now but still need to be done. So before I go back to work, I'll dedicate time now to fight for another submission. They will not wait on me, I'll be waiting on them.

I'm trying to work on my prioritization this year. It used to be so solid...now...yeah...I'm still at it!