So....take off!!! I'm focused again. After an hour and some change describing concerns posted on my February 11th post...I think we have it worked out.
So, for those that are familiar with the doctoral level procedure. I have one survey, 9 questions, 3 subscales that produce 3 IVs (independent variables). So, with no other survey or tool, where does my DV (dependent variable) come from? I was "told" that my 3 IVs would produce my DV. I disagree....also, that multivariate analysis does not compare the independent variables to themselves. I may be lost and confused but..I'm thinking
Uni = singular
Variate = variable
...Hence Single variable...
3 IVs, 1 DV
IV1 to DV
IV2 to DV
IV3 to DV
Multi = plural
Variate = Variable
....Hence Multiple variables...
3 IVs, 1 DV
IV1 to DV
IV2 to DV
IV3 to DV
IV1 to IV2
IV1 to IV3
etc, etc, etc..
Get it? I don't know, maybe there is more to it, that is why I wanted to speak to my Stats consultant. So, the way forward was to add an additional question which serves as the DV. I have reserves about that. I'm thinking the school will throw a flag due to the lack of complexity. At this point, I just want to get it done, so if this flies, that will be GREAT! If not, I have a second tool in mind which measures mentoring effectiveness. That means the purpose, research questions, methodology and a whole lot else will have to change. The worst part is the clock is now ticking. This must be done by 25 June.
All in all, paper submitted, my Chair is normally quick with her responses, so lets see what I get back on this one. I will stay optimistic until I get something back.