Minority Scholars

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Full speed ahead!!

Be careful what you ask for. I've been complaining about the expertise and response rate of my advisors. So....this new advisor....this one...this one here....um...well, she's fast and she's good. Really pushing me to get it done. Not a lot of excuses here so far. full 3 Chapter proposal returned in 3 days. Smoking! So, it's time for me to turn it into hyperdrive and get this puppy moving...

Monday, February 24, 2014

And...we are off!!

So....take off!!! I'm focused again. After an hour and some change describing concerns posted on my February 11th post...I think we have it worked out.

So, for those that are familiar with the doctoral level procedure. I have one survey, 9 questions, 3 subscales that produce 3 IVs (independent variables). So, with no other survey or tool, where does my DV (dependent variable) come from? I was "told" that my 3 IVs would produce my DV. I disagree....also, that multivariate analysis does not compare the independent variables to themselves. I may be lost and confused but..I'm thinking

Uni = singular
Variate = variable
...Hence Single variable...
3 IVs, 1 DV

IV1 to DV
IV2 to DV
IV3 to DV

Multi = plural
Variate = Variable
....Hence Multiple variables...
3 IVs, 1 DV

IV1 to DV
IV2 to DV
IV3 to DV

IV1 to IV2
IV1 to IV3
etc, etc, etc..

Get it? I don't know, maybe there is more to it, that is why I wanted to speak to my Stats consultant. So, the way forward was to add an additional question which serves as the DV. I have reserves about that. I'm thinking the school will throw a flag due to the lack of complexity. At this point, I just want to get it done, so if this flies, that will be GREAT! If not, I have a second tool in mind which measures mentoring effectiveness. That means the purpose, research questions, methodology and a whole lot else will have to change. The worst part is the clock is now ticking. This must be done by 25 June.

 All in all, paper submitted, my Chair is normally quick with her responses, so lets see what I get back on this one. I will stay optimistic until I get something back.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Morning grind...time to cream the paper. I've completed my first draft for my new advisor and today's plan will be to go line by line to cream the paper...making sure all is in line and correct. I officially have 12 months to complete this dissertation and defend and as I create my timeline, I'm thinking...cake...yup, cake. It will take time but still it's cake, long hours but cake, more money but cake, more thinking but cake, more focus but cake, more sacrifice but cake...with all that said, it's breakfast time. Not really brain food but omelet with cheese, mushrooms, and tomato's and one piece of sausage. I plan to complete everything today. Not much makes me feel better than progress. Doing more, being more, learning more. So after all that yapping, lets get to this cream!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Changing directions..

So, as I change directions from the previous dissertation to the current, I've decided to try to maintain a better schedule on dissertations nights. The plan will go as such: Home from work Walk dog Prepare for tomorrow Eat Work on paper Gym Shower Sleep Lets see how this all works. So far, I'm excited, I've uploaded a paper and my Chair responded...get this...the SAME DAY...WTHEEEzzy? Is that possible? Am I dreaming? Don't wake me up...and if you do, do it when its all done!! So, let me stop yapping and go to work. Today was a good day (in my Ice Cube voice).

Signed to a new team

So, the contract is signed, I'm feeling like a new man with a new sense of motivation. I've had to review this document to ensure the time, dates, and conditions were correct. The most difficult part was determining when I would be able to complete my proposal, IRB approval, research, manuscript chapters and defense date. These dates are non negotiable and the best thing about this all is that I feel I have a strong skeleton from the previous dissertation.

This dissertation has new variables, research questions, and approach to statistical analysis but the general basics are still the same. So hopefully with this expedited process, I'll be soon on my way to calling myself a "doctor" and eliminating these monthly payments. I'm looking forward to it. Perseverance and dedication are the basic fundamentals to success in many areas, I hope this is the key here. So.....signed, new team, new focus, new motivation. Now....off to work!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Content with the new direction

I've been heading in different directions every few months in this program, just like my life, sometimes this way ---> other times <====that way others times no way. I have a new chair and possibly a new direction but I think that I may be content with with whatever direction I'm heading. The question is which direction will I be heading? Only time will tell, as I reach the cusp of my 5th mentor/advisor/chair, I'm hoping this may be the solution that I'm looking for.

So, for now, I'm content, pending the result of all of this confusion. Tonight, there's a sip in honor of relaxation and a new start. I'm looking and feeling crazy but...yeah!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Out of Control

Most of my life I've been in control. I've often felt smarter, more influential, more driven, more focused, and more...in control. I assumed as I got older, I would have been more IN control but instead I feel OUT of control. Hard work and perseverance doesn't always = success or progress. A lot of what you do and achieve is based upon the power/influence/permission of others.

Applying for a job
You can have the education, training, and experience for a job but that does not mean you will OBTAIN the job.

I know it's life but sometimes I think very deeply, too deeply...eh...random thoughts.

Spoke to the Ombudsman today and she indicated that she would put me in the track program. 12-month program, new chair (previous experience with graduating students, specializes in area), established milestones (missing one will get you dropped), no committee, and 4 dedicated hours per week towards progression.

Since I don't have much going right now, that is RIGHT up my alley. I want to be done! I have the time, focus, experience, and dedication to breeze through it with the right guidance. So, lets see how this all turns out. I need light amongst these clouds!! In addition to the previous statement, I've noticed that I've been charged 3 times the tuition for the last two courses, I've made a call in regards to this but have yet to receive a response. Maybe I'll get some money back..


Hopefully, I will get a response to find out who this new chair will be....and how best to proceed.

Ombudsman, track program, statistics revisited (univariate multivariate)

Finally received my paper back, really does suck that I have to wait for weeks for response, changes, or alterations. I often wake-up early, stay up late, sacrifice weekends, etc to get assignments complete and moving forward. On a normal 3 month cycle, I'll have 2 submissions, then another couple of thousands of dollars to continue forward.

After my blow-up session, I received a call back from the Ombudsman. He indicated that I may be eligible for a track program (one Chair assigned to ONLY me) that would be able to speak to me multiple times per week and expedite the dissertation process. This was over 2 weeks ago. As of today, no call back, just a random email apologizing for the late response and indicating that she would be available next week (which is now this week). Very irritating and makes me feel very vulnerable. I also requested financial relief for a year, till date, no resolution, so I'll move forward.

Most of the changes required are easily implemented but I still have massive reservation of the direction of my dissertation. All I can do is keep pounding, right? One of the areas requiring some knowledge is in statistics. I am familiar with certain aspects but in now way shape or form am I a veteran. My original study used multivariate regression and then translated to univariate, now I've been recommended to revert back to multivariate. I still need to read up but as I recall, univariate regression analyses 1 IV relationship to a single DV. This is the basis of my analysis....

Career Support (CS((IV)) to Mentoring Satisfaction (MS((DV))
Psychosocial Support (PS((IV)) to Mentoring Satisfaction (MS((DV))

Maybe there's an assumption that MS is a compilation of CS, PS, and RM, eh, who knows, let me get to the facts and stop assuming.