Minority Scholars

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Provisional Progress

Is all this hard work and dedication paying off? I'm not sure yet but it does feel like it. One thing that I've learned was to focus on the positive in your life. In life many things go wrong but never does everything go wrong...especially if you really look for it. I've been afraid of the provisional IRB loop....NCU wants the Army to approve, the Army wants NCU to approve....SHEESH!! LAWD Help me. Looks like I may have jumped over the provisional loop so let the light of positivity shine, let it shine bright and shine often!!!


Friday, July 18, 2014

1 Step Closer

Finally progress has been made, I've turned in my IRB app and its looking like I'll be coasting past this portion of the IRB, looking forward to the next step!
This train has been so so slow getting started but I can tell that its moving forward. I'm handicap disable stepping but still I'm ONE step closer!!! Amen for progress...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A glimmer of sun

 This seems like a complete rollercoaster ride to me. Up and down, up and down. I guess this is just a replication of life. After yet another storm, I see a glimpse of sun...a glimpse of hope...a glimpse of glory. Today I received my letter of sponsorship to continue my study, right on the date that I would be removed from the program. I can't wait until I get to the point where my success is based upon my own hard work and dedication. All in all, I'm ONE step closer. I thank God each step of the way!

Friday, July 4, 2014


I've been at this so so so long, not sure what to do. In the midst of a long weekend, I feel lost in school, lost in life. 

I'm at a point where I need nothing more than just a memo signed...It may not happen. I may miss my doctorate due to this small requirement. Not sure what to do, I hate depending on others. I can get so much done alone but seem to hit stumbling blocks when faced with meeting the requirements of others. I'll do my best and let God lead me to whatever he desires. Hopefully something will breakthrough...somehow..